nar leadership

2024 Officers

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  Jeff Slagle  
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Chuck Nickey  
Vice President
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 Dave Robertson
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Angie Henslee
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At-large Board Members

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   Bob Ferenc       
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Joe Marchelites

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  Wayne Scites     

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Harry Trumbull

The officers and board members constitute the executive board whose duties are to set policies, recommend disbursement of funds, and conduct Region business. Members may pass motions, rescind Board motions or actions, disburse funds, or conduct business at any regular meeting.

The club charter specifies regular meetings be held on the 4th Thursday of each month. Dinner meetings, our Christmas Banquet, or other activities are often considered our regular meeting if official proceedings are conducted and prior notification has been provided to the membership. See our Upcoming Events calendar or our Facebook page for meeting times and locations; members are also notified through our award-winning Newsletter.

Other Team Members

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Dave Dunlap
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Tom Beam
Newsletter Editor
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