Wednesday 10/23
- 1P-5P Registration at Holiday Inn Huntsville-Research Park
- 5P-7P Drop-in social, Holiday Inn - Discovery Room
(Menu - Shrimp, finger sandwiches, chicken fingers, burger sliders, vegetables, fruits & cheeses, coffee, tea, lemonade, water plus cash bar)
Thursday 10/24
- 9A-3P Registration opens in south box office
- 10A-3P Bus tour to Space & Rocket Center, pickup location at Holiday Inn
(Charter bus to/from Holiday Inn/Space & Rocket Center, includes admission ticket)
- 11A-2P Cruise to Lake Guntersville, City Harbor, begins at Holiday Inn
(includes box lunch & drink for each person)
- All Day Self Driving Tours
- 5P-7P Social - Stars & Strikes, Stratosphere Salon
(Menu - Snacks, chips & dips, beef sliders, chicken sliders & wings, fruits, veggies, drinks and cash bar plus 1 hour free arcade/game play)
Friday 10/25
- 9A-3P Registration opens in South Box Office
- 10A-3P Bus Tour - Space & Rocket Center, pickup location at Holiday Inn
(Charter bus to/from Holiday Inn/Space & Rocket Center, includes admission ticket)
- All Day Self Driving Tours
- 11A Race car & 2 wheel vehicle check-in
- 1P-2P Membership Roundtable at Holiday Inn - Atlantis & Endeavour rooms
- 2P-4P Judges school at Holiday Inn - Atlantis & Endeavour rooms
- 5P-7P Social - Orion Amphitheater, Main stage. Live entertainment by Grits & Juice
(Menu - Taco bar, water, coffee, tea, lemonade, water with live entertainment by Grits & Juice Band plus a cash bar)
Saturday 10/26
- 7A-10A Registration opens - parking in assigned spaces
- 8A-9:15A Judges breakfast & continuing judges education at Holiday Inn - Grand Ballroom
- 9:30A Owners briefing at show field
- 10A-3P Car Show Opens - DJ, Food Trucks, golf cart shuttle available for handicap
- 11A-3P Greenpower youth event
- 11A-3P Vehicle judging at show field
- 6P-8P Awards banquet at Davidson Center, present awards & pictures
(Menu - Beef brisket, mesquite chicken breast, baked beans, coleslaw, cheese, peppers/onions, blackberry cobbler and ice cream plus cash bar)